In addition to the toys that I have at home for Miss K, we also borrow toys from our local toy library. I’d first heard of it from one of my mum friends who raved about it. For an annual fee and a volunteering session per school term, I can borrow various toys, games and puzzles!
The Albury Toy Library in particular is run by fellow parents and open during school term. There are over 500 toys, games and puzzles that are suitable for 0-8 year olds. There are various membership levels depending on how many toys and puzzles you would like to borrow.
Since joining at the beginning of the year, I’ve enjoyed borrowing a wide range of toys and puzzles for Miss K. She’s had fun playing with a lawnmower, ride on car, latch puzzle, various giant wooden puzzles, wooden instruments, megasketcher, and so much more!
It’s a great way to borrow age specific toys at minimal cost and not worry about cluttering up our small house. Miss K also loses interest very quickly, so the 3 week loan period is perfect for us. There’s also an option to renew for an additional 3 week period.
During the pandemic the toy library shut down for a few months but it’s now up and running with strict cleaning and hygiene procedures in place. To be on the safe side, we still wipe down the toys and we’re good to go!
If you’re looking for an eco-friendly, money-saving and storage friendly toy option, then I would definitely recommend checking out a toy library in your area!
Marie xo